Are you ready to open up to your divine nature and walk the path of embodying a higher consciousness? Join us!
Logos. This word traditionally relates to the principles of divine reason and creative order, which was (amongst others) embodied through Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the life they led. This organizing principle of the Universe is the ‘intelligence’ through which all things are coming into being. It also represents the energy of the cosmic frequency out of which the Christ Consciousness incarnated on Earth, making it available to all of humankind.
In the Logos retreats we are inviting the highest wisdom to move through each of us, illuminating the possibility for what our lives might look and feel like if this energy of Christ Consciousness were to be more and more a part of our reality. We are inspired by Yeshua and the Magdalenes as avatars, representing the connection to a specific field of intelligence that is very deeply rooted in the spiritual DNA of humankind, and therefore available for all to connect to. Together we will take a next step in our commitments to embody a higher consciousness, thereby translating our deep remembrance into a living transmission.