A 4 day immersive retreat | December 19-22 2024 | The Land of Now

Are you ready to open up to your divine nature and walk the path of embodying a higher consciousness? Join us!

Logos. This word traditionally relates to the principles of divine reason and creative order, which was (amongst others) embodied through Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the life they led. This organizing principle of the Universe is the ‘intelligence’ through which all things are coming into being. It also represents the energy of the cosmic frequency out of which the Christ Consciousness incarnated on Earth, making it available to all of humankind.

In the Logos retreats we are inviting the highest wisdom to move through each of us, illuminating the possibility for what our lives might look and feel like if this energy of Christ Consciousness were to be more and more a part of our reality. We are inspired by Yeshua and the Magdalenes as avatars, representing the connection to a specific field of intelligence that is very deeply rooted in the spiritual DNA of humankind, and therefore available for all to connect to. Together we will take a next step in our commitments to embody a higher consciousness, thereby translating our deep remembrance into a living transmission.

4 days of Meditative practice

Our retreats are a mystical path in itself. In this 4-day journey we will dive deep into our meditative awareness of the consciousness we are all part of. These sacred days before Christmas are traditionally a time to reflect on the past and attune to the birth of the new. This year, specifically with all the polarisation and conflict arising in the world, we wish to deeply connect to this cyclical process of rebirthing. We feel that a certain humbleness is needed to surrender to the ways of the divine and in these days we practice bowing down to life and opening our vessels for what wants to be birthed into the world by us.

We will facilitate a deep field of safety, support, inspiration and guidance to connect to the next possible evolutionary step, both for the individual and for the whole. We work with silence, sound, movement and relational excercises and a fluid, playful way of allowing a state of meditation to penetrate our being in the world.

You are heartily invited to join us on these sacred days before Christmas and we would be delighted to have you join us! With love, Gary & Milou

This retreat is for you when you:

        • Are ready to deepen your commitment to living a life more connected to source
        • Wish to evolve your meditative state of being
        • Feel a resonance or connection to Christ Consciousness as a guiding frequency
        • Feel a resonance to the lineage of Yeshua and the Magdalenes or the energies they represent
        • Wish to immerse yourself in a (group)field of living transmission and remembrance
        • Desire to integrate your inner wisdom and cosmic remembrance into your day-to-day reality
        • Want to come home deeper on all levels of your being
        • Are open and willing to take the steps that are required for your personal evolution, in resonance with our collective evolution
        • Simply feel your heart singing, knowing you need to be there!

From ‘my will’ to ’thy will’

This retreat is for everyone who feels it is time to take the next step, as an individual but also as a collective. The times in our world are full of turmoil, conflict and broken connection with our mother Gaia. It is time we create communities that are dedicated to restoring the connection: with the earth, with each other and with the divine blueprint of life itself. All of us carry a unique frequency and unique gifts with which we can contribute to this restoration of sacredness.

In each of our retreats we bring our attention to this collective shift and each of our individual contributions to it. We focus less on the personal process (although the personal is always deeply respected and related to) and more on the parts of our inner world that are being called to be of service to the collective. If we surrender to that calling, our healing will be accelerated and we will be able to contribute to the healing of the world at large!

Experiences of participants in Logos Retreats

This LOGOS rertreat has allowed many movements from my life to unfold and integrate, thereby opening myself more fully to the essence of my connection with God. All of this thanks to a safe container, mindful preparation and guidance, like-minded travelers and the dedication, experience and inspiration of Gary & Milou.


I came to LOGOS with questions. They were answered in the most unexpected ways. Sometimes in exercises. Sometimes in what Gary and Milou said. Sometimes in what the co-LOGOS’ers shared. And sometimes in silence. I take those answers with me into the world. Thank you.


I am so grateful for joining this retreat, moving through resistance, peeling of layers by deeply connecting within myself. I am immensely grateful for Gary and Milou who put this retreat together with so much love and integrity. They are strongly connected in creating a group field and attune to what that field needs, which created such a healing vessel for me. I wish for more people to join this retreat and bath in such healing community, to eventually bath in their own essence!


Milou and Gary are very deep loving souls and leaders, providing a space to grow in safety into the all-encompassing light of the Beloved. They created a lovely energetic room of beauty, so that our souls can sing. I highly recommend their retreat. It was for all of us a deep transformation that will change our lives forever.

Eva-Maria Franke- von Selzam

It has been an almost indescribable experience that is still unfolding. The way in which Milou, Gary, Kim and Simon led this process is Masterful. I can’t find any other words for it. And knowing that, the waves of this consciousness are touched in everyone, in you, with you and around you. AHO.


The LOGOS retreat offered a rich field, beyond religion, in which one can explore mystical ways to enrich one’s life in all manner of ways. There is so much care and attention for embodiment, that helps to realign and rephrase perceptions of life and living.


Introduction webinar

Curious to explore a bit more? You are welcome at our next free meditation!

December 4thth, 20:00 (CET)

Meet Milou & Gary

Milou van Dueren den Hollander
Facilitator of the LOGOS retreat

Milou is trained as a holistic psychotherapist and energyhealer. Besides working in her own practice, she is leading workshops and in-depth trainings as a spiritual teacher and facilitator. She is also co-owner of School of Life, a school for multidimensional therapy in the Netherlands, operating there as CEO, mentor and teacher. Her passion lies in bringing the mystical closer to our daily lives and in gently giving words to the subtle realms, so that they can be experienced deeper.

Gary about Milou:

It is a great pleasure to be diving into the energetic realm of Christ Consciousness together with Milou. We share a deep passion for mystical spirituality, with a keen interest in exploring how one can live an alive and evolving spirituality within the context of the changing world we live in. As a gifted therapist and healer, she possesses a simultaneously calming and extremely clarifying manner in the experiential field she is creating. This opens a space for often hidden layers in her students to appear in a very organic and healing way. Her heightened ability to attune to very subtle energy fields and structures makes it possible for her to both connect in a very deep way and to also provide a soft, solid anchoring.

Gary Joplin
Facilitator of the LOGOS retreat

Gary Joplin is an international expert in somatic training and embodiment, as well as a professional choreographer and stage director. As a meditation and body-mind awareness specialist, Gary conducts training courses and workshops in Europe, Israel, China and the United States. He is a a contributing somatic facilitator and coach for Mobius Leadership, a Visiting Master in somatic practices for The Octave Institute in China, as well as a member of the faculty for the School of Life Therapists in the Netherlands and the Academy of Inner Science in Germany, where he has worked closely with Thomas Hübl in many international projects. Gary's work guides people into deeper states of inner awareness, opening doors to more expanded physical, emotional, and creative perception and expression.

Milou about Gary:

Gary is such a delight to work with! In his touch and his way of making contact, the other often feels deeply met from an unconditional place. As a facilitator he is fluent in combining a playful approach with a very deep transmission. Working with him in the field of Christ Consciousness feels completely natural: it is a frequency in which he is deeply rooted. Gary is as much a human as a cosmic being and both come forward strongly in his presence. His extensive experience with meditation gives him a clear connection to source and he has a special ability in translating the mystical realm into a physical experience.

Practical details

This retreat consists of:
  • A well kept frequency-field
  • Meditation in silence and sound
  • Trauma- informed bodywork
  • Nervous system release exercises
  • Relational practices
  • Deep level energetic groupwork
  • A balance in personal and collective evolution
  • Channeled transmissions

LOGOS retreat will be held at ‘the Land of Now‘, a beautiful retreat centre with a luxury feel, a fine eye for detail and an amazing Ayurvedic chef. The Land of Now is a very hospitable and comfortable place, which will be our exclusive domain for the week, which allows us to set a vibrant energyfield.

Date and times

This retreat will start on December 19th at 10 am and finishes on December 22nd after lunch.

If you wish to stay at the location the night before, that is possible (only from 8 p.m on)


The costs of this retreat include facilitation, sleeping facilities and delicious organic Ayurvedic meals and drinks throughout the day. There is some room for sleeping preferences, although not unlimited. By joining as an early bird, your application helps shape the rest of the group energetically and will also be a support to us in downloading the field of the week.

Early Bird ( until November 3rd) Regular
Single room* E 1340,- E 1440,-
double room E 1090,- E 1190,-

* If you have a medical or other urgent reason for needing a single room, please let us know)

Feel like the investment is too much for you right now, but that you are called to be there? Get in touch with us about options


After we receive your registration, you will soon get an email with more information, access details to Mighty Networks and an invoice. We ask you to fill in our questionnaire with care so that we can attune to you as a person and have a sense of your intentions for this week. In case we have questions about your application, we might ask for a call to get to know you a bit better.

Questions? Send us a message!

The supporting team

Kim de Groot

Kim de Groot is trained as a psychologist, energyhealer and life therapist. She works in her own practice, specializing in Pre- and Perinatal Psychology. As a therapist and healer she works with compassion, sensitivity, depth and safety. The subject of this retreat lies very close to Kim’s heart. She has a deep connection to the realm of the archangels and Christ Consciousness and a unique ability in assisting people to deeply remember their essence, original blueprint, Source and their own ability to rest in the field of love.

Simon Courtney

Simon Courtney is a trauma-informed psychotherapist and coach, experienced at group facilitation. After a strong calling to pursue and integrate a spiritual path into his life it became very clear that including the deepest aspects of our humanity, and living this calling in daily life, was essential for an embodied spirituality (and humanity). He is passionate about how all parts of ourselves can be allowed to walk with and join us as we open up to higher and deeper possibilities in our lives.


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